1.2.3 RPO WM „Bony na innowacje”.
The company KRESPA Sp. z o.o. in the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 implements a project entitled “Performance of quality tests, compliance with the European standard and certification as well as notification and protection of intellectual property rights of a new product at the request of Krespa Sp. z o.o. " under the Regional Operational Program of the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Sub-measure 1.2.3 "Innovation vouchers".
Project number: RPMP.01.02.03-12-0676 / 18-00.
Beneficiary: KRESPA Sp. z o.o.
Gross project value: PLN 34,317.00.
Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 25,110.00.
Purpose of the project:
The main goal of the project is to increase the innovation and competitiveness of Krespa Sp. z o.o., which will take place as a result of project activities and the impact of the project results on the company's operations by implementing the results of own development works and pro-innovative services performed as part of the project.
The goal at the product level is to commission pro-innovative services that will allow to test the quality and compliance of the new product (Nino series furniture) with the European standard EN 14749 and to issue product certification, as well as to claim an industrial design.
Planned effects:
The implementation of the project will allow the achievement of the following indicators:
Number of product innovations introduced - pcs. 1
Verification of the product and result indicators will take place after the implementation of the pro-innovation service, at the time of accepting the report on the service implementation and accounting documentation.
Wykonanie badań dotyczących jakości, zgodności z europejską normą i certyfikacja oraz zgłoszenie i ochrona praw własności intelektualnej nowego produktu na zlecenie Krespa Sp. z o.o.
KRESPA > Wykonanie badań dotyczących jakości, zgodności z europejską normą i certyfikacja oraz zgłoszenie i ochrona praw własności intelektualnej nowego produktu na zlecenie Krespa Sp. z o.o.